Twinkling Star

Product Details:

  • Purpose: Twinkling Star is an essential accessory for your fireworks and crackers display, designed to effortlessly light up other crackers like ground chakkars and flower pots.
  • Safety First: Crafted with safety in mind, Twinkling Star features a long, easy-to-hold handle, keeping your fingers at a safe distance from the sparks.
  • Durable Design: Constructed with high-quality materials, Twinkling Star ensures reliability throughout your festive celebrations, sparking joy for years to come.


  • Effortless Ignition: Twinkling Star’s user-friendly design simplifies the ignition process, allowing you to effortlessly light up your favorite crackers and fireworks.
  • Enhanced Safety: Prioritizing your safety, Twinkling Star minimizes the risk of burns or accidents, offering peace of mind during your festivities.
  • Cost-Effective: By ensuring efficient ignition and minimizing wastage, Twinkling Star helps you make the most out of your fireworks collection, saving you both time and money.


  • Long-Reach Handle: Twinkling Star features a long handle, enabling you to light crackers while maintaining a safe distance from the sparks.
  • Sturdy Construction: Crafted from durable materials, Twinkling Star withstands repeated use and ensures reliable performance.
  • Versatile Ignition: Whether you’re lighting ground chakkars, flower pots, or other crackers, Twinkling Star offers versatility for all your fireworks needs.


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